Grand PhD-course with Harvard professor

More than 70 PhD-students from Europe and the US are attending a PhD-course with Professor David Laibson this week. The course is organized by The Choice Lab.

24.10.2013 - Ed.

The course entitled "Behavioral Economics" is held Monday through Thursday, and consists of ten lectures. The students will also get an opportunity to present their own research.

David Laibson is a Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Laibson is also a member of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He holds degrees from Harvard University, the London School of Economic, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his PhD in 1994 and has taught at Harvard since then.

In recognition of his teaching, Laibson has been awarded Harvardʼs ΦΒΚ Prize and a Harvard College Professorship. His research focuses on the topic of behavioral economics, and he leads Harvard University's Foundations of Human Behavior Initiative.

- It is incredibly inspiring to have of the world's leading economists visit NHH, and it is also great to be able to gather such a large group of active students from Europe and the US. A gathering like this provides a lot of new impulses and strengthens both our and the students international network, says Professor Bertil Tongrodden.

He is organizing the course, which is supported by the National Research Council, together with Professor Alexander W. Cappelen.

Professor Bertil Tungodden is organizing the course, which is supported by the National Research Council, together with Professor Alexander W. Cappelen
More than 70 PhD-students from Europe and the US are attending a PhD-course at NHH this week

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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