PhD defense: Moral motivations behind economic decisions

On Friday 31 May 2013 Trond Halvorsen will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic, and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.

24.05.2013 - Shreya Nagothu

The topic of the thesis is the influence of moral motivation on economic decisions. In many cases people behave as if they care about moral arguments, but it is often hard to tell whether this is actually the case.

Through three economic experiments, the thesis illustrates how moral motives interact with other motives when subjects consider sharing their money with anonymous strangers.

The trial lecture and thesis defense will be open to the public. Copies of the thesis will be available from:

Time and place of the trial lecture and the PhD defense:
Karl Borch's Auditorium, NHH, Friday 31 May, 2013.
The trial lecture will start at 10:15 and the defense at 12:15.

Prescribed topic for the trial lecture:
Social Norms in Economic Analysis

Title of the thesis:
Moral motivation in dictator games

Members of the evaluation committee:
Professor Tore Ellingsen, Stockholm School of Economics
Researcher (PhD) Karen Evelyn Hauge, Frisch Centre
Professor Lars Mathiesen, Norwegian School of Economics, chair
Professor Karl Ove Moene, University of Oslo

Supervising committee:
Professor Alexander W. Cappelen, Norwegian School of Economics, principal supervisor
Professor Erik Ø. Sørensen, Norwegian School of Economics
Professor Sigve Tjøtta, University of Bergen

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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