An epoch-making time

Tora Aasland

"The fellowship that you experience here will have a great impact on the rest of your lives," said research and higher education minister, Tora Aasland, to the new students during this year's matriculation ceremony.

01.09.2008 - Knut André Karlstad (translated by Jessica Hartenberger)

The minister held an engaging and lively speech for this year's incoming class of students, and among other things took the opportunity to praise NHH as a strong academic institution with an international focus.

Ethics and the Market

"Study time is an epoch-making time. This is the time when life takes direction and for many it is the best years of ones life," she said, and presented the students with quotes from Arne Garbof, Jens Arup Seip and lyricist Kolbein Falkeid.

Among other things, Aasland spoke about money and the market. She quoted former central bank director Erik Brofoss: "the market is a fine servant, but a dangerous master", emphasizing the point that students should be responsible and conscious when they one day enter the working world.

"We often see media coverage about profit considerations coming before ethical evaluations," she said.

MATRICULATION. Rector Jan I. Haaland welcomes one of the new students to NHH.
Foto: Trond J. Hansen

Involve Yourselves!

Rector Jan I. Haaland took the opportunity to thank Tora Aasland for her participation in the matriculation ceremony and also for her clear speech in the wake of the Stjernø report. The cabinet member has particularly signaled that the most radical proposals will not be followed.

The rector welcomed the new students to NHH and gave a short briefing on the school's history and working environment.

"You have a lot to look forward to on both the academic and non-academic level. I am sure that you all will find something exciting to involve yourselves in at NHH. Because you have chosen NHH it means that you have expectations, and it makes me proud and humble. We will do everything we can to give you an unforgettable study time here," said Haaland.

Also NHHS leader, Thomas Holsten Leren took the opportunity to encourage involvement, "NHH is a frame, NHHS is the pictures that fill the frame," he said and then encouraged students to take out their paint brushes and contribute to the non-academic fellowship.

Are Skullestad Bjørkagård and Ida Lindeberg
EXCITED. Are Skullestad Bjørkegård and Ida Lindeberg from Kongsberg began their time at NHH on Monday, and are looking forward to the introduction week.
Foto: Kristian Tindeland Marthinsen

Mentor Fun

After the matriculation ceremony 200 mentors from NHHS stood ready to welcome the new students with lunch. Are Skullestad Bjørkegård and Ida Lindeberg from Kongsberg will both begin their master studies at NHH, and were excited about the week ahead.

"It was a very formal at the matriculation ceremony, with the presence of the minister," thought Lindberg. "I feel welcome, and I look forward to getting to know people," said Bjørkegård. The two had heard many good things about NHH beforehand, both academically and socially, and when it comes to the question of what they have to look forward to next week, the answer is both short and good:


CHOIR. Optimum, a cultural element of matriculation sang "The Student's Song" and about the body and money. Photo: Trond J. Hansen
Foto: Trond J. Hansen
The Aula
PACKED. There were not many empty seats in Aulaen when the 2008/09 school year began.
Foto: Trond J. Hansen
VIP. The director, guests, and leaders of NHH followed the matriculation ceremony from the auditorium.
Foto: Trond J. Hansen
THE VIEW. The matriculation ceremony is systematically managed.
Foto: Trond J. Hansen
Thor Robert Groven Olsen and Ragnar Fagereng
PRIZE WINNER. Thor Robert Groven Olsen received NHH's prize for social work from administrative director, Ragnar Fagereng.
Foto: Trond J. Hansen
Thomas Holsten Leren
GREETING THE STUDENTS. NHHS leader, Thomas Holsten Leren, encouraged involvement in the student association. You do not get paid, but if you are lucky you will get free pizza every once in a while and maybe a pen from KPMG.
Foto: Trond J. Hansen
THE DOCTORS. Ten of the year's doctors posed together with the rector, assistant rector, deacon, and cabinet member Tora Aasland. From the left: Tao Lin, Odd Arne Nissestad, Aksel Mjøs, rector Jan I. Haaland, Beate Jelstad, Christian Venneslan, research and higher education minister Tora Aasland, Per Sunde, Dennis Frestad, Karin Monstad, deacon Anna Mette Fuglseth, Liv Bente Hannevik Friestad, assistant rector Gunnar E. Christensen and Astri Drange Hole.
Foto: Trond J. Hansen

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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