FIBE-price to Tyler Hull

The winner of FIBE-prisen 2014 is Tyler Hull, NHH, for the paper "Do local and international venture capitalists play well together? A study of international venture capital investments"

10.01.2014 - Lisbeth Heilund

Tyler Hull is assistant professor at the Department of Finance. He has a PhD in International Economics and Finance from International Business School at Brandeis University. He was employed at NHH in 2011.

Success for an entrepreneurial firm

The paper studies the relation between the success of an entrepreneurial firm and how entrepreneurial firms are financed.

The main finding is that entrepreneurial firms backed by international and local venture capitalists are more successful than those backed by syndicates of purely international and purely local venture capitalists. This indicates that the greater venture capital expertise of international venture capitalists and the superior local knowledge in combination with lower monitoring costs of local venture capitalists are both important in obtaining successful investment outcomes.

- The paper is well written and is a worthy winner of FIBE-prisen, says the comittee for the price.

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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