Increase the competence in Norwegian Seafood Industry
The seafood industry in Norway is meeting strong competition in the international market, and believes that it must be better at branding and international marketing. Therefore, 27 companies have participated in NHH's program Market competence for the Norwegian seafood industry.
13.12.2007 - Kristian T. Marthinsen
Nearly 30 leaders from Norwegian seafood companies have participated in the program which is arranged in cooperation with Innovation Norway. Through an increased focus on market orientation, the educational program at NHH will give increased revenue potential and increased competition power for the participating companies.
"Branding contributes to an increased value. A better concept ultimately gives a better price," said Hordaland's regional director of Innovation Norway, Nina Broch Mathisen, during the closing ceremony for participants.
Take the theory back with them "The most useful aspect for me was the focus on branding. I took the theory from the course back with me to the company," said Anne Vik Mariussen, who is the communication leader at Aqua Gen.
Sales and marketing director at Finny Sirevaag, Kurt Olsen, also took with him a new understanding back to the work place.
"We are already in the process of making some concrete changes based on what we have learned from this course," he explained. In the near future, Finny Sirevaag, which has a 70% market share of freshly peeled shrimp in Norway, shall find out how they can be both different and better than their competitors.
These are precisely some of the main challenges in the Norwegian seafood industry. According to senior consultant at Innovation Norway, Svein Hallbjørn Steien, the Norwegian seafood producers are not aware of what makes them unique.
"Norwegian seafood producers are among the best in the world when it comes to fish health and the production of fish products, but they are lacking when it comes to selling their products. Therefore, it was a conscious decision from our side to work with NHH," said Steien.
"Our wish was to contribute with competence to the entire value chain," said Nina Broch Mathisen. "All the seafood producers must think about the product, quality, and the presentation. Such an awakening is important for the entire business," she added.
Great Expectations
It is the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs (FKD) that has given Innovation Norway the task of increasing the overall competence of Norwegian seafood producers. This resulted in the Maritime Value Creation program that has given NHH the task of developing a competence program for the seafood industry.
"The students who have participated in the program are engaged and motivated. We have great expectations that we will improve further on this," said State Secretary in FKD, Vidar Ulriksen, at the closing ceremony at NHH on November 30th.
The students also have big expectations for the future. In addition to the theoretical knowledge, the network from the gatherings is an important source of inspiration. Kurt Olsen of Finny Sirevaag explained that his company has already started a cooperative project with another one of the participating companies. Olsen didn't want to say much about the concrete plans, but revealed that the results of the cooperation will be available by May 2008.
Important Meeting Place
According to Nina Broch Mathisen of Innovation Norway, this course has three main components. It brings together research environments, the industry and the public entities and creates an arena for all three to meet and work together.
"The innovation happens where people meet," said the innovation director, who explained that the current plans are to accept another class of students into in the program.
Read more about the educational program Market competence for the Norwegian seafood industry.
Translated by Nancy Cavanaugh
Happy about a renewed market competence. From the left; Anne Vik Mariussen from Aqua Gen, Vidar Ulriksen from FKD, Geir Wærø from Salmar, Jan Olav Langeland from Ewos and Kurt Olsen from Finny Sirevaag.
Foto: Kristian T. Marthinsen