Make your publications available through Cristin

Did you know that you can upload your scholarly articles in Cristin? Here's information from the library on how to do it.

27.03.2015 - Sissel Hafstad

The NHH Board encourages the researchers to publish their research results in the NHH institutional archive or in Open Access journals. The funding authorities require Open Access publishing of results of publicly financed research.

Open Access publishing

The NHH open institutional archive, NHH Brage (former BORA), is the natural choice for the researcher who does not wish or have the opportunity to publish results in an Open Access journal.

With this type of self-archiving a copy of the published article is made available and harvested by various research archives like Google Scholar and other institutions working for the dissemination of research literature.

The NHH open institutional archive

To comply with the NHH visual profile the library has decided to change the name of the institutional archive from BORA to NHH Brage.

The library has recently intensified the work to include more peer reviewed articles in NHH Brage. Many authors have been contacted and our aim is to get as many articles as possible in the archive by the end of 2015.

Between 2008 and 2014, we had 4 peer-reviewed articles in the archive. The intensified efforts by the library over the last months has increased the number to 64. This is still a small fraction of NHHs total publishing activities, but the increase suggests that the NHH researchers have discovered the importance of OA publishing.

NHH has a great potential for improvement. We are lagging behind compared to other institutions when it comes to OA publishing of peer reviewed articles. By the end of 2014 NHH had registered 32 articles, BI had 416 and the University of Agder had 836.

We hope that the last years' focus on Open Access and the recommendations on Open access publishing from the Ministry of Education and Research and the NHH Board will encourage our researchers to take this opportunity.

Who uses the NHH open institutional archive?

Whereas NHH scores low on number of published articles we are on top regarding the usage of our archive. NHH Brage had 186 416 views in 2014 (BI 83 009). Publishing in Brage increases our visibility in the world. The usage statistics indicates that visits from Great Britain is on top, followed by France and USA, we find Norway on fourth place.

How to upload articles in Cristin

Very simple!

  1. register the article in Cristin
  2. click the button «Deliver full text document»
  3. you enter a page with containing information and a registration form. Fill out the form and UPLOAD

Go to the NHH's web site for a more detailed description.

This is all you need to do. The library takes care of the rest with clearing the article with the publisher. No article is published without permission from the publishers.

Note that you in most cases should upload the preprint version of the article. This is the version that has been through peer review and that has been accepted for publishing lacking only the final look and paging. Only a few publishers allow the use of the published pdf version.

The advantages of using Cristin for uploading are numerous:

  • - Link in Cristin to both DOI (published version and to our OA archived version)
  • - Correct metadata
  • - The NHH Cristin archive is a complete archive of the particular researchers' publications
  • - Connection to archives like OpenAire for publications financed under the EU 8th framework

It is of course possible to send your pre-print version directly to

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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