English versions of NHH handbooks

English versions of NHH's Employee Handbook and HSE Handbook are now available.

01.09.2015 - Marianne Stople

The Employee Handbook

The Employee Handbook enables employees to find relevant information about agreements, guidelines and procedures, rights and obligations and welfare schemes associated with employment at NHH.

New employees in particular should become familiar with the content of the handbook as soon as possible, since it provides answers to many of the questions that new employees often ask.

HSE Handbook

The HSE Handbook tells you how HSE work at NHH is organised. Good HSE work at NHH shall happen continuously and systematicly as part of the daily management. HSE is a leadership responsibility at all levels in the organisation. HSE-related issues shall be solved at the lowest possible level. Active involvement from all employees is a condition to achieve the best working environment.

Go to the handbooks at Innsiden (NHH's intranet)

Kontakt: paraplyen@nhh.no
Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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