Juletrefest 7 January

Tickets are now available for NHH's traditional Juletrefest on Saturday 7 January! For those not familiar with the tradition, the event involves Christmas songs and activities for children and families, as well as refreshments and a visit by Father Christmas. All employees at NHH, AFF and SNF are invited; with and without children!

06.12.2011 - Red.

Saturday 7 January 2012
3.00pm - 5.30pm
Aulaen, NHH

Adults: NOK 60
Children: NOK 40
Please buy your tickets online by 20 December.


Hellen primary school's windband plays
Hotdogs and squash
Magic show with Andini
Coffee and cake
Visit by Father Christmas and surprises for the children
Dancing around the Christmas tree

Please tell us about any special dietary requirements when you book your tickets.


For more information, please contact Maja Dame by email to maja.dame@nhh.no.
Juletrefesten on Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/117286675054106/

Kontakt: paraplyen@nhh.no
Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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