Change in NHH's user name policy

NHH changes its user name policy due to increasing demand for integration against external IT-service providers.

21.01.2015 - Ed.

When new services are implemented, email will be the only username supported.

Over the last couple of years, more and more IT-services have become cloud-based. Although NHH have most of their core IT-services hosted locally on premise, it is an increasing demand for integration against external service providers.

In order to supply a seamless logon experience across all services, there is a need for usernames that identifies not only the user, but also the organization to which they belong. For NHH users this will be their e-mail address.

Users at NHH have for many years used employee- or student-numbers as their username for all NHH-IT services. This username is not guaranteed to be unique when integrating with external services, and this is why we are implementing this change.

For most existing NHH-IT services, logon with both employee- or student-numbers as well as email address is supported. As new services are being implemented and rolled out, email will be the only username supported.

Services which only supports email as username:

Microsoft Lync (telephony and video conference)
Office 365 for faculty and students (
Eduroam (Wireless network) [ from 31.01.2015 ]

On 31 January, the wireless network "eduroam" will be upgraded. From this date, only email as username will be supported for this service. All users that log on wirelessly with portable devices will need to ensure that they use their email address as username.

Users who do not remember their email address, can do a lookup using their employee- or student number here.

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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