Upgrade of the Access Control System

Access control

The access control system at NHH has been upgraded. One of the effects will be evident when you use your key card.

10.04.2012 - Ed.

Due to an update of NHH's access control system all the nodes have been cleared and reconfigured with new parameters.

This in turn means that the nodes need to refresh their information base on all users, and this is done every time a node reads a new card.

While the node retrieves the necessary information about the card both lights will flash for a couple of seconds. When the card is authorized, the door will open.

This process will only happen the first time a card is used in a new reader. The next time you use your card in the same reader, the node will have all necessary information.

Kontakt: paraplyen@nhh.no
Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

Utviklet av Renommé Interactive