Norwegians give each other little room for manoeuvre

Strict Norway

For the first time, researchers have studied how strong the social norms are in different countries. An international study shows that Norwegians make very strict requirements of personal conduct and that they sanction unwanted behaviour. 'A surprising result,' says Associate Professor Vidar Schei at NHH.

07.06.2011 - Kristin Risvand Mo and Sigrid Folkestad

As many as 33 countries participated in the comprehensive study that has just been published in the prestigious Science journal. With the help of 6,800 respondents, historical data and analyses of social conditions, the researchers classified social norms in the different countries on a tightness-looseness scale.

Norway strictest

The countries have been placed in four groups. Norway is among the countries with the strictest social norms, along with Pakistan, India, Malaysia and South Korea.

'Norway scores very high on the scale. This means that there are very clear expectations of how we should act in different situations. Norwegians therefore find it easier to sanction deviating behaviour than, for example, people from the Netherlands, Brazil or the USA,' says Vidar Schei.

Associate Professor Schei is employed by the Department of Strategy and Management at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH). He is responsible for the Norwegian part of the international research project, which includes 45 researchers.

It is the first time that such a comprehensive project has been carried out to map and explain cultural differences in social norms. The participants were asked to indicate how much they agreed with general statements about social norms in their own country. The responses were then seen in conjunction with historical, natural, social and cultural conditions in their respective countries. The participants were also asked to assess different behaviour in various situations in terms of appropriateness.

Associate Professor Vidar Schei at the Department of Strategy and Management.
Foto: Hallvard Lyssand


Some of the characteristics of tight countries like Norway are low crime rates, a high degree of order and system, conformity pressure and a strict attitude towards behaviour such as not paying for a ticket on the tram, buying stolen goods or tax evasion.

The researchers cannot find a simple explanation of why the social norms in Norway are so strong.

'In general, the development and maintenance of cultural tightness can be explained by historical and natural conditions. Cultures that have experienced resource shortage, natural disasters or territorial threats have had to develop strong social norms to be able to coordinate activities and handle the challenges as best they can,' says Associate Professor Schei.

Low food production compared with other countries is one example of a factor that may explain why Norway is a tight country. At the same time, there are many historical and natural conditions indicating that our culture should be less tight.

'It is therefore surprising that the social norms are so strong in Norway. Compared with cultures with looser norms, we give each other very little room for manoeuvre.'

Source: Michele J. Gelfand et al: Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study, published in Science on 27 May 2011.


In order to measure cultural tightness-looseness (CTL), 6,800 respondents in 33 countries were asked to answer a number of questions about the degree of social norms in their own culture. Their responses were then seen in conjunction with several secondary sources to look at historical, natural, social and institutional conditions and cultural values.

Some examples of the data with which cultural tightness-looseness was compared: health-related and environmental conditions, population density, natural resources, history of conflicts, governance and media, rights, crime and the judicial system, religion and collective action (demonstrations, boycotts etc.), values (individualism, gender equality, family orientation, conservatism etc.).

The study shows that historical and natural challenges contribute to the development of cultural tightness. Social and institutional conditions help to maintain the cultural tightness, while the psychological needs of individuals are adapted and reinforce the cultural tightness.

The results show great differences in cultural tightness between different countries. Norway is among the countries with the highest degree of cultural tightness and thus the strongest social norms.

All the data have been controlled for wealth.

The countries
The countries

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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