Stabsseminar ved Jan Ubøe

Førsteamanuensis Jan Ubøe fra Høgskulen Stord/Haugesund holder stabsseminar ved Institutt for foretaksøkonomi fredag 3. desember.

01.12.1999 - Elin F. Styve

Tema er Modelleringsaspekter ved regional bosetting/sysselsetting.

Tid og sted:
Fredag 3. desember kl 1215-1330 i Karl Borchs auditorium.

This paper focuses on the spatial distribution of economic activities that serve intraregional demand. The level of local sector activities is measured by employment per inhabitant. The basic hypothesis relates to how this proportion varies systematically over space, from high values in a central business district, through low values in suburban areas, and a symptotically approaching the average regional level as the distance from the center increases. This hypothesis is examined both analytically and through empirically based experiments. We further discuss to what degree the relevant hypothesis is consistent with specific assumptions on the distribution of wages (transport cost) between consumers, and the spatial distribution of the prices on goods and services. The model formulation we propose is useful as a part of economic base modeling for predicting regional development.

Paper kan hentes hos Turid Gabrielsen på rom c512, eller ved henvendelse på epost.

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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