Publishing seminar
On Monday, the 29th of October, Mike Newman will be visiting the Department of Strategy and Management (SOL). There, he will teach NHH's research scholars the best way to get an article published in highly respected journals.
25.11.2007 - Red.
Newman has previously held the seminar "How to get your work accepted: Getting published in peer-reviewed journals in Finland" and has received great feedback.
Next week, he will be visiting NHH. Even though the seminar's main target group is research scholars, it is open for all the scientific employees at the business school.
Meeting Room 3, SNF
Time: 12:15pm
Mike Newman is a professor at the Manchester Business School and a professor II at NHH.
His Own Experience
"At the seminar he uses his own experience in both article writing and reviewing, in order to teach us how to get our articles published in highly respected journals," explained research scholar with the Department of Strategy and Management, Heidi Buverud.
"Research is not finished until it is published," said Newman, who will take you through the process from one's first time sending in a proposal to the time when it is actually published.
"It is an intricate process that can take many years," explained Buverud to Paraplyen.
However, now the NHH research scholars have a unique opportunity to learn the potential solutions for the most common problems so that the process can go as smoothly as possible.
Monday, October 29th
Meeting Room 3, SNF
Time: 12:15pm