Stabsseminar ved Henrich Greve

Henrich Greve holder mandag stabsseminar ved Institutt for strategi og ledelse.

25.05.2000 - Elin F. Styve

Henrich Greve er for tiden ansatt ved University of Tsukuba i Japan. Tema for foredraget mandag er Organizational Investment Decisions: Learning through Performance Feedback or Slack-based Search?

Paperet er om risiko-strategi og investering i skipsbygging, og kommer til å bli presentert på Academy of Management i år.

Tid og sted:
Mandag 29. mai kl. 1215 i stort møterom org.

Organizational investment in production facilities is a highly uncertain and consequential decision. This paper examines the determinants of growth in production facility investments using theory of search and risk-taking. First, when the organizational performance falls below the aspiration level of the decision-maker, problem -based search and risk taking makes new investments likely. Second, when the organization has slack resources, these tend to be used rather than returned to the owners, leading to new investments. These two mechanisms are in principle independent, but since sustained high performance creates slack there is at least a partial contradiction among them, making joint testing valuable. Analysis of shipyards in Japan yields clear evidence that low performance relative to the aspiration level causes asset growth, but not that that slack does.

Greves nettside

Redaktør: Astri Kamsvåg
Ansvarleg redaktør: Kristin Risvand Mo

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